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Updated 24 September 2023

Definitions and key terms
For the purpose of maximum clarity in this Refund and Refund Policy, whenever the following terms are mentioned, they are strictly defined as:

Company: when this policy refers to "Company", "we", "us" or "our", it refers to Yoler Marketing (, which is responsible for your information in accordance with this Returns and Refunds Policy.

Customer means the company, organization, or individual who registers to use Yoler Marketing ('s service to manage communications with consumers or users of the Services.

Device: any device connected to the Internet, such as a phone, tablet, computer or any other device that can be used to visit Yoler Marketing ( and use the Services.

Service means the service provided by Yoler Marketing ( as described in the relative terms (if any) and on this platform.

Website: the Yoler Marketing website, which can be accessed at the following URL:

You: the person or organisation that has registered with Yoler Marketing ( to use the Services.

This return and refund policy has been created using Termify.

Return and Refund Policy
Thank you for shopping at Yoler Marketing. We appreciate that you enjoy purchasing the Services we create. We also want to ensure that you have a rewarding experience while exploring, evaluating and purchasing our services.

As with any shopping experience, Yoler Marketing ( transactions are subject to certain conditions. We will be as brief as our lawyers will allow. The most important thing to remember is that by placing an order or making a purchase from Yoler Marketing (, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions, as well as to Yoler Marketing ('s privacy policy.

If something goes wrong with the service you have purchased or if you are dissatisfied with it, you have a limited time to return your money. The time limit is 24 hours before the time of service.

If you wish to return a product, the only way to do so is to follow the instructions below:

No later than 24 hours before the service date

Notify us of the cancellation of the service and the return of the payment by email to:

We, Yoler Marketing (, are committed to providing the best service to our customers. We do this to ensure that you fall in love with our service.

Unfortunately, there are times when we are unable to provide the service(s) you choose. In these cases, we may have to cancel your order. You will be informed in advance so that you do not have to worry unnecessarily about your order. If you have made a purchase by online payment (not cash), your money will be refunded once our team has approved your request.

Refunds may take a few days, but you will be notified when you have received your money.

Your consent
By using our website, registering an account or making a purchase, you accept our Returns and Refunds Policy and agree to its terms.

Changes to our Returns and Refunds Policy
If we update, add to or change this document to accurately reflect our Services and policies. Unless otherwise required by law, these changes will be clearly posted here. You will then be bound by the updated Return and Refund Policy if you continue to use the Service. If you do not wish to accept this or any updated Return and Refund Policy, you may delete your account.

Contact Us
If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the product or service we provide, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will discuss any concerns you may have with our product.


Telephone number: +37064827870

Via this link:

Address: Matīsa iela 61A-20, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia

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